I'm currently working on a
pretty pretty drive scrubbing script in shell script.
I'll post it open-source when it's complete.
Sure, it's got the basis of the basic script I stole off of iago (for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do cat /dev/urandom > /dev/hda; done) but I made it pretty. It's mad sexy too.
Format so far for the command: ./scrub.sh <drive> <number of scrubs> <wipe with zeroes at the end>
Example: ./scrub.sh /dev/hda 3 yes (I may make the last parameter a 1 or a 0, just because I don't know how to do booleans with shell scripting)
If you forget a parameter (or just run it with ./scrub.sh) it'll prompt you for the parameters you forgot.
Sure, a useless waste of time, but if someone can sell a drive scrubber for $70 (iolo) why can't I release an open-source scrubbing script?!
(Well, the drive scrubber DOES run OS-independently, has a nice GUI, has lots more options, and gives you a time-remaining number, but you get what you paid for
Another reason I'm doing this is so that I keep semi-fluent in programming/scripting. I haven't coded in forever^2 so I don't wanna lose all that skill because I don't want to program.