
Pretty crazy that we're closer to 2030, than we are 2005. Where did the time go!

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Started by Krazed, June 12, 2005, 08:59:30 PM

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Newby, learn teh wiminz skills while you still can in college... much easier to meet wiminz than in the real world.

On a side note, next week is the first class of a 10-week sewing for adults course I registered for through the local county's Parks & Rec.  I want to lvl up my real life tailoring skillz so I can make me some shirts for work.  So difficult finding good button up collared dress shirts that fit me nicely.  The majority of dress shirts I find are too big and make me look fat and stout when I'm clearly not.

Watch me be the only guy in the class.  While normally I would welcome such a ratio, this situation is a bit different because most of my male friends tell me to hand over my mancard when they learn I own a sewing machine... I can only assume women would immediately question my sexual preference and mark me as a potential gay friend.  I'll have to figure out the most efficient way to convey my heterosexuality (I'm guessing subtle to blatant flirting will ultimately be the best method).

Maybe if I get good enough at sewing, I can quit my day job and pursue my dream of being a lingerie designer.  Mmmmm.
I tend to edit my topics and replies frequently.


I'm not sure what's wrong with a guy sewing. I sew all the time, but when I mention it people look at me like I'm weird. Bah!


(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


Quote from: iago on September 23, 2009, 11:57:56 PM
I'm not sure what's wrong with a guy sewing. I sew all the time, but when I mention it people look at me like I'm weird. Bah!

Depends on what you're sewing. Rainbow-patterned quilts and soft pillows? Or are you patching up your manly-man jeans after a long day at the construction yard/pimpery?
The writ of the founders must endure.


Quote from: while1 on September 23, 2009, 11:00:41 PM
Newby, learn teh wiminz skills while you still can in college... much easier to meet wiminz than in the real world.

On a side note, next week is the first class of a 10-week sewing for adults course I registered for through the local county's Parks & Rec.  I want to lvl up my real life tailoring skillz so I can make me some shirts for work.  So difficult finding good button up collared dress shirts that fit me nicely.  The majority of dress shirts I find are too big and make me look fat and stout when I'm clearly not.

Watch me be the only guy in the class.  While normally I would welcome such a ratio, this situation is a bit different because most of my male friends tell me to hand over my mancard when they learn I own a sewing machine... I can only assume women would immediately question my sexual preference and mark me as a potential gay friend.  I'll have to figure out the most efficient way to convey my heterosexuality (I'm guessing subtle to blatant flirting will ultimately be the best method).

Maybe if I get good enough at sewing, I can quit my day job and pursue my dream of being a lingerie designer.  Mmmmm.
I'm sure once they realize you just tried to make a move on them they'll also realize that you're not gay. Or, if you're not rejected, after you have hot, steamy sex they will think "Wait a minute..."


Quote from: Deuce&Quota on September 24, 2009, 02:29:06 AM
Quote from: iago on September 23, 2009, 11:57:56 PM
I'm not sure what's wrong with a guy sewing. I sew all the time, but when I mention it people look at me like I'm weird. Bah!

Depends on what you're sewing. Rainbow-patterned quilts and soft pillows? Or are you patching up your manly-man jeans after a long day at the construction yard/pimpery?

Rainbow-patterned jeans? :D

But seriously, I just patch my crap clothes (stuff I use for cycling/painting/other casual stuff where I don't care how I look)


Quote from: while1 on September 23, 2009, 11:00:41 PM
Newby, learn teh wiminz skills while you still can in college... much easier to meet wiminz than in the real world.

On a side note, next week is the first class of a 10-week sewing for adults course I registered for through the local county's Parks & Rec.  I want to lvl up my real life tailoring skillz so I can make me some shirts for work.  So difficult finding good button up collared dress shirts that fit me nicely.  The majority of dress shirts I find are too big and make me look fat and stout when I'm clearly not.

Watch me be the only guy in the class.  While normally I would welcome such a ratio, this situation is a bit different because most of my male friends tell me to hand over my mancard when they learn I own a sewing machine... I can only assume women would immediately question my sexual preference and mark me as a potential gay friend.  I'll have to figure out the most efficient way to convey my heterosexuality (I'm guessing subtle to blatant flirting will ultimately be the best method).

Maybe if I get good enough at sewing, I can quit my day job and pursue my dream of being a lingerie designer.  Mmmmm.
For every girlfriend you get from that class you are obligated to claim 1 mancard from each male friend.


Quote from: iago on September 23, 2009, 12:31:48 PM
But seriously, did the hospital know? Where was he found?

Hospital picked him up outside his dorm building. They don't know what happened. They did try and scare him with "omg you're gonna get kicked out of school for this" "you're going on academic probation for this" "you are a minor you can't handle drinking" "you're an alcoholic dude" but I told him they're simply trying to scare him out of drinking. :P
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote from: Rule on June 30, 2008, 01:13:20 PM
Quote from: CrAz3D on June 30, 2008, 10:38:22 AM
I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT. 


ahhh. terrible hangover. had to take a sick day from work. went to two parties last night.


Quote from: rabbit on September 24, 2009, 09:50:46 AM
For every girlfriend you get from that class you are obligated to claim 1 mancard from each male friend.
Can you elaborate? What exactly is a "mancard?" How do you obtain them, initially? Is there just a fixed number of them in the world, and you have to win them? Or do you get a pre-determined number of them at birth?

<Camel> i said what what
<Blaze> in the butt
<Camel> you want to do it in my butt?
<Blaze> in my butt
<Camel> let's do it in the butt
<Blaze> Okay!


Quote from: Camel on September 24, 2009, 04:38:42 PM
Quote from: rabbit on September 24, 2009, 09:50:46 AM
For every girlfriend you get from that class you are obligated to claim 1 mancard from each male friend.
Can you elaborate? What exactly is a "mancard?" How do you obtain them, initially? Is there just a fixed number of them in the world, and you have to win them? Or do you get a pre-determined number of them at birth?
They are like pokemon.  You have to venture out into the wild and find them.  The ultimate goal is to catch them all.
The once grove of splendor,
Aforetime crowned by lilac and lily,
Lay now forevermore slender;
And all winds that liven
Silhouette a lone existence;
A leafless oak grasping at eternity.

"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus


Quote from: Camel on September 24, 2009, 04:38:42 PM
Quote from: rabbit on September 24, 2009, 09:50:46 AM
For every girlfriend you get from that class you are obligated to claim 1 mancard from each male friend.
Can you elaborate? What exactly is a "mancard?" How do you obtain them, initially? Is there just a fixed number of them in the world, and you have to win them? Or do you get a pre-determined number of them at birth?
A mancard is a unit of manliness.  When you hit puberty you automagically receive 3 mancards from nothingness.  For every manly action you take when someone says you wouldn't, you take one of their mancards.  If you say someone is going to do something unmanly and then they do, you get one of their mancards.  When you run out of mancards you are obliged to do one of the following:
1. Get a sex change operation
2. Turn gay
3. Do something ridiculously manly, like juggle black bears, chainsaws, and loaded guns while eating fire

There is no maximum to the number of mancards you can have, and you can willingly sacrifice mancards for things, like seeing a chick-flick without a chick.

And don't be roped in, mancards are metaphysical!  Don't be duped into buying physical cards that say "Man Card" on them.


Ain't Life Grand?


Ain't Life Grand?


and then I found five dollars.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.