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Started by iago, August 31, 2005, 08:51:26 PM

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All right!

Remember this thread:,

Tonight, I need to pack, eat, and get to bed. 

I'm leaving at about 7am tomorrow morning, with my garndparents.  It's a 4 hour drive there, then unpacking and stuff.  Tomorrow and Friday should be nice, then on the weekend we're re-roofing with sheet metal.  That'll be a long sweaty painful day.  But it'll all be good. 

I hope to do some fishing, cycling, reading, and take lots of pictures.  It'll be all family there, no friends or anything.  So it'll be nice. :)

I should be back Monday afternoon, then Monday evening I'm going to Therion.  I should be back late Monday, probably dead tired. 

I start University on Thursday. 

Everybody, be good. 

Also, I might take down the server a bit today for maintenance.  Just to clean it out and stuff to make sure nothing horrible happens while I'm gone. 

And if you want to hack me, this week is a good time.  There's no electricity, phones, plumbing, or Internet.


Stupid rich boy and your lake house. gtfo.


Now I am going to be a lost and confused American boy with out my Canadian here to help me when I get stuck!

Have fun. :D
The once grove of splendor,
Aforetime crowned by lilac and lily,
Lay now forevermore slender;
And all winds that liven
Silhouette a lone existence;
A leafless oak grasping at eternity.

"They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe, but I rather kill myself then turn into their slave."
- The Rasmus



And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Uh, his cottage is just over the bridge. Everyone knows that. =p
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.



So how was [size=0pt]WoW/[/size] the cottage?
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...



I got tons of pictures, but I don't want to just directly upload them.  I might throw together/download a photo-album-style thing. 



<?php	/*		Code by Blaze		Copyright 2004 Ian Fox	*/		//This will be the only page I will add comments to ever.	//Purpose: Either show an image, or show the gallery of images	if (isset($_GET[image])) //check if they requsted an image already	{			echo "<center><img src=images/$_GET[image]></center>";//show the requested image			echo "<br><br><center><a href=?page=gallery><l>Back<l></a></center>";//Show the link back to main gallery page	}	else	{		//show the gallery page with thumbnails					$directory = opendir("images/"); //open a directory handle so we can see whats in the images folder					$filled = 0; //The actual amount of pictures we have added to a row					$capacity = 5; //The max amount of pictures we can have in a row					echo "<h1><center><u>Image Gallery</u></center></h1>";//Title the Gallery					echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"726\" style=\"padding-left: 0\" height=\"229\">\n";//Start a table to put all the images in					echo "<tr>\n";//Create the first row					while($file = readdir($directory)) //set file as the current image/file that we are looking at.					{							switch ($file)							{								case ".";									//ignore this									break;								case "..";									//ignore that									break;								case "index.php";									//just the redirecting index page									break;								case "Thumbs.db";									//The Stupid MS Generated thumbnail list									break;								case "unknown.jpg";									//the erorr image for pictures other then jpg									break;								default;									//this is an image, use it									if ($filled==$capacity) //If We have the max amount of images on that row									{									//We have filled a row to its max capacity,										echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";//Get a new container										$filled = 0;//Relize that the container is empty									}									echo "<td width=\"29%\" align=\"center\">";//create a cell for the image, and make it centered									echo "<a href=?page=gallery&image=$file><img src=thumb.php?image=".$file."></a>"; //show the thumbnail and give a link to the real image									echo "</td>\n"; //close the cell that we just created									$filled++;//We added an image to the container									//say that we added another image to the row							}					} 					echo "</tr>\n"; //Close whatever row that we are in					echo "</table>"; //close the table					closedir($directory); //Close the current directory handle		}/*Todo:	-Add Pages*/?>

thumb.php (Its an edit of a page I found

<?php	error_reporting(0);	header("Content-type: image/jpeg");	if (!isset($_GET[width]))	{		$new_width = 150;	}	else	{		$new_width = $_GET[width];	}	if (!isset($_GET[height]))	{		$new_height = 150;	}	else	{		$new_height = $_GET[height];	}	$source_path="images/";	$image_name = $_GET[image];	if ($image_name=="")	{		echo "Hey!";		exit;	}    $destimg=imagecreatetruecolor($new_width,$new_height) or $fail = true;    $srcimg=ImageCreateFromJPEG($source_path.$image_name) or $fail = true;	ImageCopyResized($destimg,$srcimg,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,ImageSX($srcimg),ImageSY($srcimg)) or $fail = true;    if ($fail==true)    {		$image_name = "unknown.jpg";		$destimg=imagecreate($new_width,$new_height);		$srcimg=ImageCreateFromJPEG($source_path.$image_name);		ImageCopyResized($destimg,$srcimg,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,ImageSX($srcimg),ImageSY($srcimg));		ImageJPEG($destimg);	}	else	{	    ImageJPEG($destimg);	}?>

And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


A better version of the edit file:

<?php	/* *********************************************************	 *	 * Author 	- Chris Mullins	 * Date		- Summer, 2005	 * Purpose	- Resizes a specified image and saves a thumbnail	 *          - of that image.	 * ********************************************************* */	function createthumb($source, $fname, $x, $y) {				$xy = getimagesize($source);				if(!$x && !$y) { return 0; }		else {			$_e = explode('.', $source);						$e = $_e[sizeof($_e) - 1];			switch(strtolower($e)) {				case 'jpg':				case 'jpeg':									$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);								break;				case 'gif':					$im = imagecreatefromgif($source);					break;				case 'wbmp':					$im = imagecreatefromwbmp($source);					break;				case 'png':					$im = imagecreatefrompng($source);					break;			}						$im_x = imagesx($im);			$im_y = imagesy($im);			if($y == 0) {				$scale_x = $x / ($im_x - 1);				$scaley = $im_y * $scale_x;			}			else if($x == 0) {				$scale_y = $y / ($im_y - 1);				$scalex = $im_x & $scale_y;			}						/*			 * Minimize strech distortions			 */			$hw = $im_y / $im_x;						if($hw > 1) {				$d_x = (int)($x / $hw);				$d_y = $y;			} else {				$d_y = (int)($y * $hw);				$d_x = $x;			}			echo "The image was resized to (".$d_x."x".$d_y.") to prevent size distortions<br /><br />";						$ot_im = imagecreatetruecolor($d_x, $d_y);			imagecopyresized($ot_im, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $d_x, $d_y, $im_x, $im_y);			imagedestroy($im);						/*			$o_im = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);			imagecopy($o_im, $ot_im, (($x - $d_x)/2), (($y - $d_y)/2), 0, 0, $x, $y);			imagedestroy($ot_im);				*/								$__turl_array = explode('.', $source);			$__turl_string = implode('.', array_splice($__turl_array, 0, sizeof($__turl_array) - 1));			$__turl_ext = $__turl_array[sizeof($__turl_array) - 1];			$url = $__turl_string . '.thumb.' . $__turl_ext;						/*			$background_color = imagecolorallocate($o_im, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);			if($x > $d_x) {				/*imagefilledrectangle($o_im, 0, 0, (($x - $d_x)/2), $y, $background_color);				imagefilledrectangle($o_im, ($x-(($x - $d_x)/2)), 0, $x, $y, $background_color);				$f_im = imagecreatetruecolor($d_x, $d_y);			} else {				imagefilledrectangle($o_im, 0, 0, $x, (($y - $d_y)/2), $background_color);				imagefilledrectangle($o_im, 0, ($y-(($y - $d_y)/2)), $x, $y, $background_color);			}			*/						imagejpeg($ot_im, $url);			imagedestroy($ot_im);						echo "Success! A <b>$e</b> thumbnail was generated for <a href=\"$source\"><b>$source</b></a> <br />";		}	}	?>

I'd post all my other gallery code, but it's split up into several files and I don't feel like searching for it.


I'm going to write it myself.  It'll do me good to use php.  I've read about it, but never used it.


Now you have additional references!  :D


I've made good progress, and I haven't looked at them. :)

I'm trying to be fairly complete, like user-accounts and stuff.  It should be pretty neat when I'm done.