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I bought WoW

Started by Mythix, October 01, 2005, 05:12:59 PM

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So yea, I know no one that plays it, so uh let me know what server and stuff joo play on (I'm looking at RP) and maybe we can play!
Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.

- Ambrose Bierce


RP is the laughing-stock of all the WoW server genres. Play PvP or PvE. Blackrock, uhh, my alt, Grep.
Quote[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min
[20:21:15] xar: that was funny


Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 05:19:26 PM
RP is the laughing-stock of all the WoW server genres. Play PvP or PvE. Blackrock, uhh, my alt, Grep.
That is the most bias, unjustified statement I've seen in a while.  While PvP and PvE servers are chosen by a lot more players, it's because they're just like you:  biased.

Here's some reasons why PvP/PvE servers suck:

1  The average IQ of the population is near room temperature in Alaska.

Here's some reasons why PvP servers suck:
1  PvP servers are stupid.  It's the actually the server type that you have least fun PvPing because you reap the least rewards.  You're competing with almost every person on the server for a Pvp rank.  I've spoken with numerous people that have 10,000+ honorable kills and are still the first rank.  If you ask me, that's really, really lame.
2  PvP servers are stupid.  If you like walking around everywhere with the creeping feeling that you're going to get stabbed in the back by a Rogue, I'm happy for you.  Whatever humps your camel.
3  PvP servers are stupid.  There's more bitching.  NEEEERRRFFFF RROOOOGGGGUESS

Here's some reasons why RP servers rule:
1  You're not forced to RP.  I don't RP.  1/1000 people give a shit.  1/1000 people are actual RP'ers.  There are some that RP but don't give a shit if you do.  That's most of the population.
2  The community is much, much more mature.  Here's some general dialog of the general channel on a PvP server (based on actual footage):
[1.  General]: <Sidoh> Hey, does anyone know where the Darkmoon Fair is?
[1.  General]: <Idiot1> in my pants
[1.  General]: <Idiot2> LOLOLOLO IN MY PANTS
[1.  General]: <Idiot3> in my pants
[1.  General]: <Idiot2> LOLOLOLOL
[1.  General]: <Idiot4> in pants
[1.  General]: <Idiot5> LOL IN UR MOMS PANTS
[1.  General]: <Idiot6> UR MOM LOLOLOL

3  The average IQ is actually closer to the temperature in death valley at 2:00PM.  You'll have your idiots, but there's idiots everywhere.  You can't escape them.
4  Wanna PvP?  So be it!  There's plenty of people who enjoy PvP on RP servers.  Hop in a battlegrounds queue, it's the only way to rank up anyway.


I don't believe for one second that RP servers are "more mature", and that's what makes them better. Do you really play to have intelligent conversations in the chats?

PvP isn't that bad, but after battlegrounds came out it was perferrable to join PvE, so whatever. Mythix is probably looking for PvE, as he has said, but it's really his choice.
Quote[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min
[20:21:15] xar: that was funny


Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 06:38:52 PM
I don't believe for one second that RP servers are "more mature",
Why would you say that when you've never played on one?  That's the second stupidest statement in this thread.

Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 06:38:52 PMand that's what makes them better.
It really does help to play in a more intelligent envioronment.

Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 06:38:52 PM
Do you really play to have intelligent conversations in the chats?
No, but it definitely helps to work with people that aren't gaytards.  I've noticed the smarter, more aware people make much better players than retards.

Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 06:38:52 PM
PvP isn't that bad, but after battlegrounds came out it was perferrable to join PvE
The PvE community is nearly as bad.

Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 06:38:52 PMMythix is probably looking for PvE, as he has said, but it's really his choice.
RP is PvE with less moronic figwits.

Sorry Quik.  I don't mean to be rude or anything, but when someone insults a RP server saying they're the worst kind (especially with NO justification), it really, really pisses me off.


Uhh, I've just had bad experiances with them, and haven't been at all fun for me. Also, your misconception about the general populous of PvP servers is amazing. I'm wondering how much time you spent gathering that opinion, since I haven't seen much of that useless banter, such as would be seen on
Quote[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min
[20:21:15] xar: that was funny


I've played PvE, RP, and now I'm doing PvP.  So far, in rank of fun PvP, RP, PvE.

I started out with PvE, because I had only played for a short period (Beta), and needed a good intro without being raped.  After getting the basics of the game, I got bored since very few people did raids.  I moved onto RP were I found the server average intelligence had risin, which was good, but there was still the fact of, very little battling, other then in BGs'.  Now that I am in PvP, Every single day, I get at least 200 kills.  Lots o' Carnage.  I like the game for its battling, and very little else and thats why I like PvP.  For instance, today my guild and another raided X-Roads--  42 kills, in 20 minutes of intense battling.  On my server Thunderlord (Medium Population), we have lots of people who show intelligence.

Servers I still have characters on:

PvP - Thunderlord -- Level33 Gnome Mage, Level 3 Nightelf Rouge
PvE - Stormrage  -- Level16 Undead Priest
RP - Shadow Council -- Level5 Human Warrior
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Quote from: Quik on October 01, 2005, 07:18:57 PM
Uhh, I've just had bad experiances with them, and haven't been at all fun for me. Also, your misconception about the general populous of PvP servers is amazing. I'm wondering how much time you spent gathering that opinion, since I haven't seen much of that useless banter, such as would be seen on
I have several 20+ and one 35 alt on Magtheridon.  I've been there, done that.  I hate PvP servers, you hate RP servers.  Get over it, I know I will.  That last portion of your post didn't make much sense, btw.

Quote from: Blaze on October 01, 2005, 07:28:57 PM
I've played PvE, RP, and now I'm doing PvP. So far, in rank of fun PvP, RP, PvE.

I started out with PvE, because I had only played for a short period (Beta), and needed a good intro without being raped. After getting the basics of the game, I got bored since very few people did raids. I moved onto RP were I found the server average intelligence had risin, which was good, but there was still the fact of, very little battling, other then in BGs'. Now that I am in PvP, Every single day, I get at least 200 kills. Lots o' Carnage. I like the game for its battling, and very little else and thats why I like PvP. For instance, today my guild and another raided X-Roads-- 42 kills, in 20 minutes of intense battling. On my server Thunderlord (Medium Population), we have lots of people who show intelligence, but nothing like what I had seen on RP.

Servers I still have characters on:

PvP - Thunderlord -- Level33 Gnome Mage, Level 3 Nightelf Rouge
PvE - Stormrage -- Level16 Undead Priest
RP - Shadow Council -- Level5 NightElf Warrior
You can do that on a RP server too.  In fact, we've raided Freewind post a couple of times.  I really dont seek to PvP, so I couldn't tell you much about it.  I'm much more into endgame PvE than PvP.

I'm not going to argue this anymore, since the majority of the content is extremely subjective.

Additionally, here's my characters
RP [Feathermoon] -
Sabetha, Level 60 Human Priest (See my avatar)
Sidoh, Level 51 Gnome Warlock
Amerille Level 20 Human Mage
Larinda Level 35 Human Rogue

PvP [Magtheridon] -
Moone - Level 35 Troll Shaman


Well right now until I get the feeling of the game I'll be playing Alliance @ Feathermoon!

My account is eMythix
Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.

- Ambrose Bierce


Log in and we'll venture to the deeprun tram.  ;)


Quote from: Sidoh on October 01, 2005, 09:00:52 PM
Log in and we'll venture to the deeprun tram.  ;)

Ugh, that boss like like, level 400!
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...



I was refering to this, though.


Quote from: Sidoh on October 01, 2005, 09:31:06 PM

I was refering to this, though.

My cheeks are like, stuck to my braces from laughing too much! Thanks for nothing!  ;)
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Hahaha, yeah.  That gave me a good laugh too.  :)


Sidoh, have you played a PvP server past Elwynn Forest (replace starting zone if applicable)? They get more mature, even Westfall (insert second zone) is a lot better.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.