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Started by iago, November 06, 2005, 03:20:32 AM

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Tomorrow night I'll be seeing Gwar, Devil Driver, and A Thousand Furies.  They are all amazing bands, and I can't wait to see them.  It's going to be such an awesome show!  I got my tickets a day after they came on sale, and have been looking forward to this for months.  Mmm, it's coming!! I'm probably going to bring my camera (unless they don't let me) so I'll try to get some good pictures :D


Hahaha!!! I am seeing them in Portland, Oregon on the 13th. I two have had my ticket since they where on sale!!!1


GWAR rules!!!

Damn you for never being on aim anymore!!

Oh! You humans always screaming!
Oh! As you suckle on my semen!
Oh! And the shit is always steamin'
A drunk, a pervert, a junkie and a sodimizer.
But you can call me the salaminizer!
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


Quote[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min
[20:21:15] xar: that was funny



*rubs eyes*

Long time no see!


Quote from: Sidoh on November 06, 2005, 07:34:39 PM

*rubs eyes*

Long time no see!

I said something to newby about iago never being online anymore and he pointed me here. My life just doesn't feel complete without the ability to bug iago, or at least bug him about something other than the computer stuff everyone else bugs him with  :D
(22:15:39) Newby: it hurts to swallow


Haha, I replied to Hitmen's email, but talking here is better++! 

Gwar was amazing.  I took about 120 pictures, and I think about 4 or 5 of them turned out.  I was a good distance away, and I'm not sure how to take pictures in the dark properly.  But I'll sort through them tomorrow and post what's worthy. 

DevilDriver was also awesome.  I like their music better than Gwar. 

A Thousand Furies didn't show up.  No real loss there.   


Hah,  A Dozen Furies, I meant.  See how much I care? :)

Anyway, I posted the few good pictures I ended up getting here:

I need to learn how to use my camera in low-light, I think, but for now those are as good as I can get.  Notice in the last one, the guy on the right was wearing a white shirt, and ended up covered in blood :)


Awesome.. I can't wait for sunday!! GWAR will _F_U_C_K_I_N_G_ ROCK!


If you plan on being anywhere close to the stage (like, within 40 feet), don't wear good clothes. And if it's as cold there as it is here, check your coat so you aren't icing up as you walk outside. 


It's cold and rainy here, but, I don't wear my coat to concerts. I also havn't worn nice close to a concert since my first one, where Nivek Ogre was dry heaving and wreched up some bile.


Btw, the best part was when they brought out "The Nazi Pope" and killed him.  That's the first thing they did here.  They also killed George W, and a whole bunch of other famous people.  It was great :)



Gwar rules. (Except for the suckage part.)


Quote from: OG Trust on November 07, 2005, 10:37:45 PM
Gwar rules. (Except for the suckage part.)

Well, it sucked that they were so far away it was hard to get pictures.  But if I was closer it probably would have ruined my camera.  So, hard to say..