Author Topic: [Java] Getting File Version  (Read 10456 times)

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Offline iago

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[Java] Getting File Version
« on: January 29, 2006, 02:38:33 am »
I spent most of today working on parsing PE files in Java, which allows me to pull the file's version hash.  No more packetlogging it!!  I've tested it with a variety of PE files, but no PE+ files.  I guarentee it works (on my computer :)) with War3, Star, W2bn, and D2dv. 

I may have gotten the endianness reversed on the output.  If I did, just find where I combine v1 v2 v3 v4 and reverse them. 

Expect me to post a better version tomorrow or soon, this code is horrible, it was mostly mashed together while I was trying to learn the PE structure, so a lot of it is redundant or wholly unnecessary :)

Code: [Select]
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class PE
/** The offset of the PE section in the file */
final static private int PE_START = 0x3c;
/** The code that identifies the version */
final static private int RT_VERSION = 16;
/** The string that identifies rsrc (".rsrc\0\0\0") */
final static private long rsrc = 0x000000637273722EL;

/** This is the entry point to the whole file version function set.  It takes the filename as a parameter
* and returns the version.  If the version can't be returned for whatever reason, an IOException is
* thrown.
* @param filename The filename to get the version of.
* @return The version of the file, as an integer.
* @throws IOException If the version can't be retrieved for some reason.
public static int getVersion(String filename) throws IOException
/* psStart is the pointer to the first byte in the PE data.  The byte is pointed to at 0x3c */
int peStart;
/* The signature of the pe file, PE\0\0 */
int peSignature;
/* The number of sections (.data, .text, .rsrc, etc) */
short numberOfSections;
/* A pointer to the "optional" header (which will always be present in .exe files */
int ptrOptionalHeader;

/* The file we're reading from.  TODO: Make this a random access file. */
MappedByteBuffer file = new FileInputStream(filename).getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, new File(filename).length());
/* Set the file ordering to little endian */

/* The start of the PE is pointed at by the 0x3c'th byte */
peStart = file.getInt(PE_START);

/* The first 4 bytes are the signature */
peSignature = file.getInt(peStart + 0);

/* Verify that it's a valid pe file.  IF not, throw an exception */
if(peSignature != 0x00004550)
throw new IOException("Invalid PE file!");

/* The number of sections is the short starting at the 6th byte */
numberOfSections = file.getShort(peStart + 6);

/* Get a pointer to the optional header */
ptrOptionalHeader = peStart + 24;

return processOptionalHeader(file, ptrOptionalHeader, numberOfSections);

/** This reads the optional header and returns the version, or throws an IOException if the version
* could not be found.
* @param file The file we're reading from.
* @param ptrOptionalHeader A pointer to the optional header.
* @param numberOfSections The number of sections that we will need to process.
* @return The version, always.
* @throws IOException If the version couldn't be found.
private static int processOptionalHeader(MappedByteBuffer file, int ptrOptionalHeader, int numberOfSections) throws IOException
/* Set to true if this is a PE+ file.  Some addresses are slightly different.  Untested!  */
boolean plus;
/* The number of RVA entries.  We don't care what the entries are, so we just skip right over them.  */
int numberOfRvaAndSizes;
/* A pointer to the table of sections.  This, along with the number of sections, is passed to the next
* function. */
int ptrSectionTable;
/* The version, which will eventually be returned. */
int version;

/* PE+ files have the first ("magic") byte set to 0x20b */
plus = file.getShort(ptrOptionalHeader) == 0x020b;
/* Get the RVA counts from the optional header */
numberOfRvaAndSizes = file.getInt(ptrOptionalHeader + (plus ? 108 : 92));

/* The optional header is 96 bytes, and each RVA is 8 bytes.  Skip over them all. */
ptrSectionTable = ptrOptionalHeader + 96 + (numberOfRvaAndSizes * 8);

/* Get the version from the sections */
version = processSections(file, ptrSectionTable, numberOfSections);

/* If the version wasn't found, throw an exception */
if(version == 0)
throw new IOException("Couldn't find .rsrc section!");

return version;


/** Step through the table of sections, looking for .rsrc.  When the .rsrc sections is found, call
* another function to process it.
* @param file The file we're reading from
* @param sectionsBase A pointer to the beginning of the sections.
* @param numberOfSections The number of sections.
* @return The version number, or 0 if it couldn't be found.
* @throws IOException If there is a problem finding the version.
private static int processSections(MappedByteBuffer file, int sectionsBase, int numberOfSections) throws IOException
/* The location where the loaded RVA will be */
int virtualStart;
/* The location in the file where the data starts */
int rawStart;
/* The difference between the virtual start and the raw start */
int rsrcVirtualToRaw;
/* A pointer to the beginning of the section */
int sectionBase;

/* Loop over the sections */
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSections; i++)
/* Get the virtual address where the section starts */
virtualStart = file.getInt(sectionsBase + (i * 40) + 12);
/* Get the raw address where the section starts */
rawStart = file.getInt(sectionsBase + (i * 40) + 20);
/* Get the base of the section */
sectionBase = sectionsBase + (i * 40);
/* Find the difference between the actual location of rsrc and the virtual location of it */
rsrcVirtualToRaw = rawStart - virtualStart;

/* If we've found the rsrc section, process it.  If not, we really don't care. */
if(file.getLong(sectionsBase + (i * 40)) == rsrc)
return processResourceRecord(new LinkedList<Integer>(), file, 0, file.getInt(sectionBase + 20), rsrcVirtualToRaw);

return 0;

/** This indirectly recursive function walks the resource tree by calling processEntry which, in turn,
* calls it.  The function looks specifically for the version section.  As soon as it finds a leaf node
* for a version section, it returns the data all the way back up the resursive stack.  The recursion
* will never go deeper than 3 levels.   
* @param tree The "tree" up to this point -- a maximum of 3 levels.
* @param file The file we're processing.
* @param recordOffset The offset of the record that we're going to process.  It's added to the rsrcStart
*  value to get a pointer.
* @param rsrcStart The very beginning of the rsrc section.  Used as a base value.
* @param rsrcVirtualToRaw The value that has to be added to the virtual section to get the raw section.
* @return The version, or 0 if it couldn't be found.
* @throws IOException If there's an error finding the version.
private static int processResourceRecord(LinkedList <Integer> tree, MappedByteBuffer file, int recordOffset, int rsrcStart, int rsrcVirtualToRaw) throws IOException
int i;

/* The recordOffset is an offset from the start or rsrc, so calculate it as such */
int recordAddress = recordOffset + rsrcStart;
/* The number of name entries that we're going to have to skip over */
short numberNameEntries = file.getShort(recordAddress + 12);
/* The number of ID entires that we're going to have to search through */
short numberIDEntries = file.getShort(recordAddress + 14);
/* A pointer to the start of the ID entries, right after the name entries */
int ptrIDEntriesBase;
/* A pointer to the current entry we're looking at */
int entry;
/* Stores the version so we can check if we're finished */
int version;

/* The header is 16 bytes, and each name entry is 8 bytes.  Skip them. */
ptrIDEntriesBase = recordAddress + 16  + (numberNameEntries * 8);

/* Loop through the id entries, which come right after the name entries */
for(i = 0; i < numberIDEntries; i++)
/* Each entry is 8 bytes, skip over the ones we've already seen */
entry = ptrIDEntriesBase + (i * 8);
/* Process the entry.  processEntry() will call processResourceRecord() again for branches. */
version = processEntry(new LinkedList<Integer>(tree), file, entry, rsrcStart, rsrcVirtualToRaw);
/* If we've found the version, return it immediately.  Otherwise, keep looping. */
if(version != 0)
return version;

return 0;

/** Process an entry recursively.  If a leaf node is found, and it's the version node, return it.
* @param tree The list of nodes we've been to.
* @param file The file we're processing.
* @param entry A pointer to the start of the entry.
* @param rsrcStart A pointer to the beginning of the rsrc section.
* @param rsrcVirtualToRaw The conversion between the virtual and raw address.
* @return The version, or 0 if it wasn't found in this entry.
* @throws IOException If there's an error finding the version.
private static int processEntry(LinkedList<Integer> tree, MappedByteBuffer file, int entry, int rsrcStart, int rsrcVirtualToRaw) throws IOException
/* The address of the next node, or the address of the data.  The left-most bit tells us which
* address this actually is. */
int nextAddress = file.getInt(entry + 4);
/* The version is stored in this so it can be returned. */
int version;
/* The size of the data */
int dataSize;
/* The buffer where we store the data (will be dataSize bytes) */
byte []buffer;
/* The address of the data within the file (converted from the RVA) */
int rawDataAddress;

/* Add the identifier to the tree */
tree.addLast(file.getInt(entry + 0));

/* Check if it's a branch by checking the left-most bit.  If it's set, it's a branch. */
if((nextAddress & 0x80000000) != 0)
/* It's a branch, so move down to the next level. */
version = processResourceRecord(tree, file, nextAddress & 0x7FFFFFFF, rsrcStart, rsrcVirtualToRaw);

/* We found the version and don't care about anything else */
if(version != 0)
return version;
/* Its a leaf, check if it's RT_VERSION.  If it is, we're done! */
if(tree.get(0) == RT_VERSION)
/* Convert the relative address to the actual address by using rsrcVirtualToRaw */
rawDataAddress = file.getInt(rsrcStart + nextAddress) + rsrcVirtualToRaw;
/* Get the data size */
dataSize = file.getInt(rsrcStart + nextAddress + 4);
/* Allocate memory in the buffer to store the incoming data */
buffer = new byte[dataSize];

/* Set the position in the file to the address of the data */
/* Get the data */

/* Combine the data and return it. */
return  (buffer[0x3C] <<  0)  & 0x000000FF |
(buffer[0x3E] <<  8)  & 0x0000FF00 |
(buffer[0x38] << 16)  & 0x00FF0000 |
(buffer[0x3A] << 24)  & 0xFF000000;

return 0;

public static void main(String []args) throws IOException
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/STAR/starcraft.exe")));
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/W2BN/Warcraft II BNE.exe")));
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe")));
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/D2DV/Game.exe")));

System.out.println(0x0b030101 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/STAR/starcraft.exe"));
System.out.println(0x00020002 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/W2BN/Warcraft II BNE.exe"));
System.out.println(0xb1021401 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe"));
System.out.println(0x000b0001 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/D2DV/Game.exe"));

System.out.println(0x0101030b == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/STAR/starcraft.exe"));
System.out.println(0x02000200 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/W2BN/Warcraft II BNE.exe"));
System.out.println(0x011402b1 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe"));
System.out.println(0x01000b00 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/D2DV/Game.exe"));

<edit1> Totaly re-modifications, comments and functions and everything
<edit2> Reversed the byte ordering
« Last Edit: January 29, 2006, 02:32:03 pm by iago »

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 02:39:48 am »
Impressive!  Great work, iago!

Offline iago

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2006, 12:28:22 pm »
Impressive!  Great work, iago!


I've totally revamped the code, and added comments explaining what everything does.  I normally comment WHILE I'm coding, but I had no idea where I was going with this code. 

Offline Hdx

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2006, 12:36:20 pm »
iago, i love you!
More coding I have to implament in JBLS.
Also, Noone bothered to tell me that JBLs's W2BN exe version was wrong, thats why you were getting 01 00 01 01 cuz you were using a JBLS server. I will be implamenting your code tonight, So this won't be a problem anymore. Thanks man.
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Offline iago

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2006, 12:48:00 pm »
iago, i love you!
More coding I have to implament in JBLS.
Also, Noone bothered to tell me that JBLs's W2BN exe version was wrong, thats why you were getting 01 00 01 01 cuz you were using a JBLS server. I will be implamenting your code tonight, So this won't be a problem anymore. Thanks man.

Actually, I was using BNLS and RCRS and JBLS, all of which returned 01 00 01 01.  I guess everybody has a bad version? :)

Offline Hdx

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2006, 01:30:36 pm »
Actually, I was using BNLS and RCRS and JBLS, all of which returned 01 00 01 01.  I guess everybody has a bad version? :)
That would explain why noone cought it....
I'm having a little trouble. WC3 returns: b1021401
it needs to be: 011402b1 .... but when i reverse the byte oder int he return statment I get ffffffb1
« Last Edit: January 29, 2006, 01:43:10 pm by HdxBmx27 »
09/08/05 - Clan SBs @ USEast
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Offline iago

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2006, 02:28:23 pm »
Actually, I was using BNLS and RCRS and JBLS, all of which returned 01 00 01 01.  I guess everybody has a bad version? :)
That would explain why noone cought it....
I'm having a little trouble. WC3 returns: b1021401
it needs to be: 011402b1 .... but when i reverse the byte oder int he return statment I get ffffffb1

Ah, the byte order IS backwards?

And oops, I should be fixing it for sign-extension.  I'll edit my main code shortly. 

Ok, I fixed the main code:

I think those are right.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2006, 02:32:36 pm by iago »

Offline Hdx

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2006, 02:50:05 pm »
Actually For me the byte order is backwards for everything BUT WC2 ....
I modifyed your functions to have a byteorder param.
So that i can toggle it depending on what game.
I also jsut made a simple bit shifting line to make it work with WC3 properly....
Oh well, It's added and fully functional. So meh, it's good to go.
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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2006, 03:47:26 am »
Nice, I was writing this exact thing when someone notified me of this thread, thanks alot iago! You saved me about a day of hard work ;)

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2006, 09:09:00 am »
Yeah, a day of hard work.. that's about what it took. 

But I learned tons about the PE header stuff, so it was worth it :)

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2006, 12:08:54 pm »
That field can be any integer and will accept it.

A lot of work for nothing.  :P

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2006, 01:41:55 pm »
I've tried using anything, and it doesn't always work.  I never bothered figuring out the pattern. 

In any case, it's better to do something properly and know it'll work than to do it wrong and not be sure. 

Also, I learned a lot writing it, so even if it was a complete waste of a program, it was still interesting to do it. 

Offline Apollo

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2006, 07:58:22 pm »
I've tried using anything, and it doesn't always work.  I never bothered figuring out the pattern. 

In any case, it's better to do something properly and know it'll work than to do it wrong and not be sure. 

Also, I learned a lot writing it, so even if it was a complete waste of a program, it was still interesting to do it. 
I'm pretty sure you can always just send 10101010

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2006, 01:48:02 am »
I've tried using anything, and it doesn't always work.  I never bothered figuring out the pattern. 

In any case, it's better to do something properly and know it'll work than to do it wrong and not be sure. 

Also, I learned a lot writing it, so even if it was a complete waste of a program, it was still interesting to do it. 
I'm pretty sure you can always just send 10101010

There's the RIGHT way, and then how you're doing it.
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Offline deadly7

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Re: [Java] Getting File Version
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2006, 06:04:04 pm »
I've tried using anything, and it doesn't always work.  I never bothered figuring out the pattern. 

In any case, it's better to do something properly and know it'll work than to do it wrong and not be sure. 

Also, I learned a lot writing it, so even if it was a complete waste of a program, it was still interesting to do it. 
I'm pretty sure you can always just send 10101010

There's the RIGHT way, and then how you're doing it.
"There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way."
"Isn't that the wrong way but faster?"
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(00:50:11) Mythix: I'm going to fuck that red dot out of your head.
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