Remember what I said about wanting to get through the boring part of WoW?

Started by Screenor, February 04, 2006, 07:49:32 AM

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I did.

We've formed a "Dream Team" because the alliance on our Aegwynn sucks, so a guy by the name of Pwnercycle (56 warrior) got a bunch of the best PvPers on the server, we all get on Vent at a select time, and we start owning.

We started AB practice last night with formations, because it's bonus honor weekend for AB.

So we won the AB last night we did, and went back to WSG, woke up and met at 11:30PM ST, and started queing up for practice formations. (We all take it EXTREMELY seriously, and it makes it that much more fun). So we lost our first two tries at it this evening, and gave it one more shot, one damage team (consisted of me, two other rogues, and our team leader (oddly enough) a druid, to give us orders on where needed the most help at the moment. Then evened out the rest of the teams, because they would be the ones capping mainly. So we went Group 4 (my group) went to the right to take Lumber Mill, the other three groups went straight to Blacksmith, then sent one group of their three to Gold Mine. We also then from Group 4 sent one of our rogues out to Farm to capture it, due to the fact that horde would be busy with the rest of us. (We also capped Stable on our way out, obviously, but tha t's not important in this tale of awesomeness).

So, we won, and did a great job of it. We won 2000-1600. Our strat caller said we could do better, we were just happy we did that damned thing, anyway, we go again. This time we win 2000-900, against the same team. We go two more times, and suddenly...well, check it out!

We were amazed, we were all yelling "New record! Woo!".

Well, we were SO badly wrong.

This is Alliance's new hope for BG's on Aegwynn, we emptied the horde's WSG que's, and tonight we did the same to AB. Last night we even had people afking out and one switched over to alliance to play with us. (Going to be a while for him, but eh).

Comments? Ideas? More comments?


How the hell did you manage to get 2000 resources with them only killing you once?!
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Quote from: Blaze on February 04, 2006, 12:56:39 PM
How the hell did you manage to get 2000 resources with them only killing you once?!

The game lasted for 11 minutes; it's not that hard.

Screenor: good job, but wait until you get into the 60 brackets.  Then you start running into people dressed fully with epics and you have to worry a lot more about skill gaps.  Plus, you're going to run into a many more organized groups.  Almost every Horde pvp group on our server has been premeditated, so that will no longer be an advantage.


Quote from: Sidoh on February 04, 2006, 02:23:52 PM
Quote from: Blaze on February 04, 2006, 12:56:39 PM
How the hell did you manage to get 2000 resources with them only killing you once?!

The game lasted for 11 minutes; it's not that hard.

Screenor: good job, but wait until you get into the 60 brackets.  Then you start running into people dressed fully with epics and you have to worry a lot more about skill gaps.  Plus, you're going to run into a many more organized groups.  Almost every Horde pvp group on our server has been premeditated, so that will no longer be an advantage.

Same thing on Arthas. My (well use to be) pvp server was full of 60 at AB always rushing the stables and always winning as well becuase the best pvp guild on that server was MTG. Which btw probally holds the recorded for most 60's in a guild. Anyways they own us all the time look at there Hk's on the wow pvp rank site. 50,000 here 35,000 here.

Quotemutsumibear: David's coming over Sunday so we can have mad sex all day.
zxdropoff: lucky you
mutsumibear: :D I know.
mutsumibear: I just pray I don't start my period before then.
zxdropoff: omfg
zxdropoff: stfu
zxdropoff: now please
mutsumibear: HAHA
mutsumibear: I love disturbing you.