w00t, CrAz3D gets to may somewhat help people with something he basically knows nothing about!
http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation(installation page, obvious)
My biggest problem was that I couldn't find the right driver because I have a 64bit processor.
What I needed to download/find:
-kernel-devel for my kernel version
Once I found those few things (all the right ones) it wet pretty smoothly.
Installed kernel-devel
Extracted ndiswrapper & then did "make" & "make install" (I had to use "/usr/sbin/ndiswrapper" as the ndiswrapper command, not sure why it worked like that)
Extracted driver. Did /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper -i /FILEPATHTODRIVER.INF. Then I checked the list (ndiswrapper -l) to make sure it installed right (I sometimes got "driver installed" but no mention of "hardware present", need that there hardware present).
Also, I tried using rmmod on ndiswrapper before installing the driver & modprobe, it seemed to work after that.
Just following the sourceforge.ndiswrapper instructions should get you alot of the way there.
Here is my ndiswrapper thread @ linuxforums.orgYou'll have to spend some time searching for the right drivers I suspect, that wasn't fun...I tried so many.
If you have a 64processor, ask me, I still have that one
WHOA, after editting my resolution and HorizSync & VertRefresh, this looks alot clearer, nice...