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I've given in..

Started by TeHFoOoL, June 05, 2006, 07:09:12 PM

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* Waves fucking goodbye to his life. *

I'm going to start playing WoW. Making the account as we speak.

Can I play with y'all? I have -no- clue what character to make, how skills work.. Etc. I know general gaming terms as I've played games like WoW, but WoW is still much more in depth than the others.

Can't fool a FoOoL


I'd recommend playing on Maelstrom, the server x86 will be playing on from now on (if they choose to do so).  It's a PvPRP server.  I have a level 19 twink warrior on it at the moment, but it probably will never become my main server (I play on Feathermoon, which is my "home" and favorite realm).  We're going to be playing Alliance, so if you want to play Horde, you'll probably be out of luck.

Looking forward to playing with you!  We'll start our guild (Probably <Darkwire>) soon!  Be sure to post in this topic:,6092.0.html

When you've made your character.

As for which class to play, it's pretty intuitive.  The descriptions are pretty nice in the character creation screen, so be sure to read those.  If you like melee damage, play a Rogue.  If you like to take the damage, play a Warrior.  If you like to heal, play a Priest, Paladin or Druid.  There is obviously a lot more to it, but that's the basic idea.  I've went through three classes before I decided to make my Priest my main character.


Basic class breakdown.

Mage (magic), Warlock (evil magic), Druid (nature), Shaman (shamanistic magic)

Druid (nature), Priest (holy), Palidan (holy warrior), Shaman (shamanistic magic)

Warrior (basic fighter), Rogue (assassin), Palidan (holy warrior), Hunter (ranged overpowered assassin with pet)

Race breakdown:
Gnomes are smart. +Intellect
Humans adjust to new stuff quickly. +to reputation gain, and for some reason, stealth detection ability.
Dwarves are greedy bastards. Ability to find treasure (lootable creatures) on minimap. They're also so damn think they can turn into chunks of stone. Hm!
Night Elves are weird. Ability to turn invisible (low-powered stealth) and some other benefit.
Trolls are smart and get pissed easy. Ability to go berzerk after getting critically hit, and faster mana regain.
Orcs pound the poop out of people. I can't remember their ability.
Undead don't breathe very much. They're dead. Additional 300% time underwater without breathing. Plus they don't get scared, so they have "Will of the Forsaken" (breaks fear)
Tauren pick flowers, and are heavy. +15 to herbalism and the ability to stun everyone for a second or so.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Gnomes have escape artist
Humans have passive +5% spirit
Night Elves have passive +% to Dodge
You've got Dwarves better than I knew

Troll's berzerk can now be activated at any time.  It's more effective when you're low on health, though.
Orcs have passive +5% resist to stuns and one other thing
Tauren/Undead look good.

There are a few more (Gnomes have +Arcane resistance, NE have +Nature resistance, but that's all that matters).


NE's have shadowmeld..  Gnomes have +engineering (wtf, give me shadowmeld, thanks)

And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...


Joe said Shadowmeld, he just didn't name it lol.

Yeah, Gnomes need Shadowmeld for sure.



Quote from: Joe on June 06, 2006, 01:16:32 AM
Basic class breakdown.

Mage (magic), Warlock (evil magic), Druid (nature), Shaman (overpowered magic)

Druid (nature), Priest (holy + overpowered shadowform that's amazingly annoying to fight), Palidan (lives-too-long-no-dps-loser-that-you-should-never-play-class), Shaman (shamanistic magic)

Warrior (basic fighter), Rogue (nerfed, don't play), Palidan (fag), Hunter (overpowered kiter that you will never catch up to as a melee class)


Also, Orcs don't get a 5% stun resist. It's 25%. (Yes, I'm serious.)

Undead get something of the Forsaken. It's essentially a free trinket that can get you out of fears, charms, etc.

Tauren get a "stomp" aoe ability that stuns everyone around them for one second.


Despite their broken state, I still love playing my Rogue.  I dominated in the 40-49 bracket, but my guess is the 60 bracket will be different. :P

No wonder I can never fucking cheapshot orcs. -_-


Quote from: Sidoh on June 06, 2006, 02:37:48 PM
Despite their broken state, I still love playing my Rogue.  I dominated in the 40-49 bracket, but my guess is the 60 bracket will be different. :P

No wonder I can never fucking cheapshot orcs. -_-

Yeah, Horde's racials are completely built around pvp. Nightelf get 1% to dodge, Orcs get 25% stun resist. But hey, it evens out when we can move faster while dead, right?



That's actually pretty good to know.  I'll start using Garote or something instead.  That's fucking rediculous.  Who says orcs are harder to stun than fucking bulls? -_-

Perception is really useful in PvP too, I must say.

I met up with one of my 40-49 rivals about a week ago at Taren Mill.  He was a Rogue who had nearly identical gear to me (And he got it all after I did... coincidence? >_>).  He was the only Rogue in the bracket I had "fear" (I could beat him most times 1 on 1, but he usually had friends to help him) for until Rivek joined.  He was really good too.  In any case, he was 56 when I saw him.  I was 52.  He kept sapping me.  When I broke out of it (immunity timer ftw), I stealthed, used perception, found him, cheapshotted him, used all my cooldowns and killed him.  He didn't even get a hit off.  Ahaha...


What ever you do, don't go into a Paladin class thinking you'll be able to do damage, because you won't. You're main purpose in raids would be to heal.
Hitmen: art is gay



Hehe, yep.  I've never seen a Paladin who was assigned a DPS role in MC.


That's actually good advice, Metal, because I rolled a palidan once assuming I'd have the damage of a warrior with the self-preservation of a priest. I dominated through the first 8 levels (I think I died once because I was over-confident and took on Goldtooth too early) but then I went back to my main.

Come to think about it, though, I could go for a somewhat passive role in raiding though. I don't know if I'd really want to be up in the front dying when I'd just be wasting repair money.


As far as night elves moving faster while dead, I'm not sure if I want that, because in the end game you always get rezzed anyway.
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Quote from: Joe on June 07, 2006, 12:49:29 AM
As far as night elves moving faster while dead, I'm not sure if I want that, because in the end game you always get rezzed anyway.

...I was kidding, it's the most worthless racial ever. -_-


Quote from: TeHFoOoL on June 05, 2006, 07:09:12 PM
* Waves fucking goodbye to his life. *

I'm going to start playing WoW. Making the account as we speak.

At least you started in summer.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote from: Rule on June 30, 2008, 01:13:20 PM
Quote from: CrAz3D on June 30, 2008, 10:38:22 AM
I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT.