Passed out from a combination of marajuana and adderol? I know people that rail adderol to keep them up all night so they can smoke more marajuana. Hmm.
*shrug* Some people just have super low tolerance. This person is one of those super skinny kids, so yeah.
Kids being careless enough to get caught while handling an illegal substance.
Media focusing on a lame story.
Likely receiving a felony for a relatively harmless act, forever damaging his record and his career path.
Yeah, agreed. A lot of this was just unlucky, I thought. It was the one kid who pretty much fucked the entire group over. The thing that ticks me off though was that the one bus (out of 6) that the kid was passing out the brownies on everyone on there is getting "interrogated". It pretty much comes down to if you were accused by at least two people of taking a brownie, you're suspended. There has already been over 30 kids suspended thus far.