Haha. Mine's custom built. Took me around an hour to set up, because I did a lot of rearranging before I decided how I wanted it. Then switching all your keybindings and making sure everything's lined up right.. It's a pain in the arse.
I currently use just 5 mods though, now that I could. CTMod mainly for mining and moving stuff around, Discord Action Bars for.. well, my atrocious number of bars (I'm just about to add in a few more, too), ZHunter for it's random widgets, and a different experience bar because I accidently deleted mine while messing with DAB. It is nice, though, because now that I'm 60, it tracks both my most recent rep bar, and my PvP rank. And, I use Titan Bar, mainly for Rider and so I can complain about how crappy my FPS are.
Curiousity, I'm not sure how many else of you out there play hunters, but are there any other general mods that you use?