wtf? Anyhow, heres an (almost) port to VB of the checking function. Theres one line thats (cleary) still in Java, so iago or somebody can fix that, or I will eventually.
' Module : modServerSig
' Author : Joe[x86]
' Purpose : Verification of WAR3/W3XP server signatures.
Option Explicit
Public Function checkServerSignature(sig As String, ip As String) As Boolean
Dim I As Integer, Ret As Boolean
Dim K() As Byte: Let K = Array(0, 1, 1, 0)
Dim N() As Byte: Let N = Array(&HD5, &HA3, &HD6, &HAB, &HF, &HD, &HC5, &HF, &HC3, &HFA, &H6E, &H78, &H9D, &HB, &HE3, &H32, &HB0, &HFA, &H20, &HE8, &H42, &H19, &HB4, &HA1, &H3A, &H3B, &HCD, &HE, &H8F, &HB5, &H56, &HB5, &HDC, &HE5, &HC1, &HFC, &H2D, &HBA, &H56, &H35, &H29, &HF, &H48, &HB, &H15, &H5A, &H39, &HFC, &H88, &H7, &H43, &H9E, &HCB, &HF3, &HB8, &H73, &HC9, &HE1, &H77, &HD5, &HA1, &H6, &HA6, &H20, &HD0, &H82, &HC5, &H2D, &H4D, &HD3, &H25, &HF4, &HFD, &H26, &HFC, &HE4, &HC2, &H0, &HDD, &H98, &H2A, &HF4, &H3D, &H5E, &H8, &H8A, &HD3, &H20, &H41, &H84, &H32, &H69, &H8E, &H8A, &H34, &H76, &HEA, &H16, &H8E, &H66, &H40, &HD9, &H32, &HB0, &H2D, &HF5, &HBD, &HE7, &H57, &H51, &H78, &H96, &HC2, &HED, &H40, &H41, &HCC, &H54, &H9D, &HFD, &HB6, &H8D, &HC2, &HBA, &H7F, &H69, &H8D, &HCF)
'Do the calculation
byte []result = new BigIntegerEx(BigIntegerEx.LITTLE_ENDIAN, sig).modPow(key, mod).toByteArray();
Dim CorrectResult As String: CorrectResult = String(Len(Result), Chr(&HBB))
CorrectResult = ip & Mid(CorrectResult, 5)
Ret = True
For I = 0 To Len(Result) Step 1
If Result(I) <> CorrectResult(I) Then
Ret = False
End If
Next I
End Function
Hrm, got somewhere with porting BigIntegerEx too!
Public Const BIG_ENDIAN As Integer = 0
Public Const LITTLE_ENDIAN As Integer = 1
Public Const BIGINT_SIZE = 32