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John McCain on SNL

Started by Sidoh, November 03, 2008, 02:32:44 AM

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I'm not sure how many of you watch SNL, but John McCain appeared on last night's episode.  His bits were absolutely hilarious, I thought.  Of course, Tina Fey-lin was there as well. :)


Was pretty funny.  I thought McCain was good-spirited.  I liked his appearance better than Palin's (there was nothing really bad about Palin's... it was just more boring).

edit: LOL at this Keith Olbermann impression


Quote from: Rule on November 03, 2008, 02:51:55 AM
Was pretty funny.  I thought McCain was good-spirited.  I liked his appearance better than Palin's (there was nothing really bad about Palin's... it was just more boring).

edit: LOL at this Keith Olbermann impression

Same.  I definitely agree in regards to the Palin appearance as well.

Yeah, Affleck totally nailed Oblermann.


One must ask oneself: "do I will trolling to become a universal law?" And then when one realizes "yes, I do will it to be such," one feels completely justified.
-- from Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Trolling


haha this is pretty funny
and lol at sarah palin impersonation.


Why'd you change your name BAD? :(

Have you not seen Tina Fey-lin on SNL before?  If not, you should check out the rest of the clips they have of her.  They should all still be on Hulu.


Quote from: Sidoh on November 03, 2008, 11:13:16 AM
Why'd you change your name BAD? :(

Have you not seen Tina Fey-lin on SNL before?  If not, you should check out the rest of the clips they have of her.  They should all still be on Hulu.
yeah i have seen her on SNL fucking funny as hell. especially that one when when HIllary and sarah opened up.

And i am starting a new slate. :)


You responded to that backwards, which threw me off for a moment.  :P

I don't think people will change their opinions about you if you change your name.  :P
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...