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"How-To" Install JavaOP on Shell

Started by Vilent, May 31, 2007, 11:07:32 PM

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Can someone please walk me through step by step installing/running JavaOP on my Linux Shell?

I appreciate it :)


It's the same as if you were installing it on your Linux box, only somewhere else.


Thats not very helpful considering i'm a windows user.

I'll be controlling everything from putty.exe


Ok before I or anyone else goes into a huge discussion about how to do this..
Could you provide some info on what the situation is..
Such as making sure java is installed via: java -version
Do you know how to download and extract the bot using wget, tar etc..
Have tried to use the CommandLineConfiguration.jar yet, or even realise it's there etc..

Give us some information so we know where you're at, for the most part it's as simple as using:
java -jar ./CommandLineConfiguration.jar
To configure things
Then to run the bot..
java -jar ./JavaOp2.jar

But this assumes you know what you're doing on the command line in general well enuff to get the files downloaded, extracted, and possibly know how to navigate to these files.

If not you need to to know how to use these commands:
wget, to download the files...
general usage: wget http://path_to_some_site/path_to_some_archive.tar.gz

tar, or some other archive tool to extract the files.
general usage: tar zxvf path_to_some_archive.tar.gz

cd, to navigate to the files..
Look this up on google, if you don't know how to use cd or the commands above you probably need to spend some time learning basic shell commands.


Someone want to move this to the JavaOp forum?
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


Alright I installed jre1.6.0_01 on the shell account successfully

now when I typed "java -version"

it tells me

-bash: java: command not found


Quote from: Vilent on June 15, 2007, 05:26:49 PM
Alright I installed jre1.6.0_01 on the shell account successfully

now when I typed "java -version"

it tells me

-bash: java: command not found

Probably because the installation process didn't copy the binary to a directory that's in your path.  Check the install directory for a binary named "java."

Also, this needs to be in the JavaOp boards.  Moved.


Alright I installed jre1.6.0_01 on the shell account successfully [~/jre1.6.0_01/bin]# ./java -version
java version "1.6.0_01"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_01-b06, mixed mode)


okay I extracted JavaOP

heres what im getting [~/jre1.6.0_01/bin/Core]# ./CommandlineConfiguration.jar
-bash: ./CommandlineConfiguration.jar: cannot execute binary file


Getting this Error Message On Connect, I think its because its trying to using BNLS to connect, how do change it to local hashing?

International: [16:56:41.514] NOTICE: Bot 'International' has been started.
International: [16:56:41.518] DEBUG: Entering disconnect()
International: [16:56:41.519] DEBUG: Entering connect()
International: [16:56:41.612] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
International: [16:56:41.678] INFO: Resolving ip for server:
International: [16:56:41.949] INFO: Resolves to 12 different addresses
International: [16:56:41.949] INFO: Choosing address 0 []
International: [16:56:41.950] INFO: Attempting to connect
International: [16:56:42.055] INFO: Connected to /
International: [16:56:42.057] INFO: Trying BNLS server:
International: [16:56:42.062] INFO: Connected to
International: [16:56:42.063] INFO: Sending protocol byte (0x01).
International: [16:56:42.064] INFO: Switching to Binary protocol.
International: [16:56:42.065] INFO: Sending authorization.
International: [16:56:47.173] WARNING: BNLS server '' returned an error -- this means the server might not be running.
International: [16:56:47.174] WARNING: The error is: Connection timed out
International: [16:56:47.175] INFO: Attempting to use next BNLS server.
Unable to find usable BNLS server
International: [16:56:47.175] WARNING: Out of BNLS servers, defaulting to local hashing.
International: [16:56:47.176] INFO: Authorization sent, waiting for reply.
International: [16:56:47.177] INFO: Beginning to receive packets
International: [16:56:47.204] DEBUG: Logon type: 0
International: [16:56:47.205] DEBUG: Server token: 5f349792
International: [16:56:47.206] DEBUG: UDP Value: 6950774
International: [16:56:47.207] DEBUG: MPQ Time: Tue Aug 29 11:32:32 PDT 2006
International: [16:56:47.208] DEBUG: Version Check MPQ: ver-IX86-2.mpq
International: [16:56:47.209] DEBUG: Server signature is not present.
--Cache miss!
International: [16:56:47.223] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "3691659930"
International: [16:56:47.224] java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
International: [16:56:47.224] java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
International: [16:56:47.224] java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
International: [16:56:47.224] versioning.CheckRevision.checkRevision(
International: [16:56:47.224] versioning.Game.checkRevision(
International: [16:56:47.224] versioning.BNLSWrapper.getVersionCheck(
International: [16:56:47.224] Login.getAuthCheck(
International: [16:56:47.225] PluginMain.processedPacket(
International: [16:56:47.225] pluginmanagers.PluginRegistration.processedIncomingPacket(
International: [16:56:47.225]


you need to create a hashes folder similar to the .javaop2 folder something like:
with all the normal folder//file names existing here such as star/w2bn etc.
And then just update you're _GameData.txt file to point to these hashes.
Then when bnls fails it will try to find these files and can attempt local hasing, keep in mind that only d2dv/d2xp/war3/w3xp local hashing work atm in JavaOp2.

Anyway, if you can try to provide all information from now on like client you are using and saying you are using JavaOp2 version beta 42 etc. as I stated in a different post from you it would help everyone to be able to help you better in the future.


I seriously need to write JavaOp for Dummies and make a neat little step by step for everyone. :P
Quote from: Camel on June 09, 2009, 04:12:23 PMI'd personally do as Joe suggests

Quote from: AntiVirus on October 19, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
You might be right about that, Joe.


I'm getting a problem while trying to load CommandlineConfiguration.jar, it gives me this:

Quotedane@sv1://home/dane/Core$ java -jar CommandlineConfiguration.jar
Unable to find any plugins.
Please download the plugin package from
and extract them somewhere.  You will be prompted to find them.

(.:5539): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

I have the plugins installed at both /home/dane/Plugins and /home/dane/Core/Plugins
and have tried them both individually...Just not sure where else I can set where the plugins are manually?  I checked the .javaop2 folder and it is empty as well I have read a different post about the same problem which had me try:

Quote from: chuck on April 07, 2007, 03:22:28 PM
JavaOp2 cannot find your X11 display. If its on your local machine, try running the command
export DISPLAY=:0.0
Quote from: Ajan on May 15, 2007, 01:33:26 PM
To turn off gui either turn off SwingGUI plugin or go to your home/.javaop2 folder and open _GlobalSettings.txt. Find the line
load gui=true
and change true to false. Should help I guess.

And you can change the plugin path in _PluginPaths.txt in the same directory.

P.S. I rm'd SwingGui.jar

So I decided to create the settings file _PluginPath.txt or whatever with the correct path after using my brain and it worked...