Hello, my name is AJ Savino, aka, Koga73.
Skilled Programming: QBasic, Visual Basic, VBScript
Intermedite Programming: HTML, Java/Javascript
I plan on learning delphi soon.
If you play wc3, im sure you have seen my maps before. Ive made many, im an expert in wc3 mapping, you name it, i can do it. A few of my latest titles are Maze Of Frostbite and Escape Shroom World. I can do skins, textures, icons, pretty much anythng wc3 related with the exception of modeling. I can also map very well for halflife 1/tfc, halflife 2/css.
Ok, more about me... im 17, a senior in high school, live in GA. I dont just do all that stuff, i got lots of friends, go out and party, participate in some school stuff. I took tae kwon do for about a year. Hmm, what else... ok, classes im taking currently:
AP Java
Thetrical Dance
Physics (i failed first semester of this last year :\)
AAT (advanced algebra and trig)
The Dance probably caught ur attention... its not some gay dance class, its parter dancing! Swing, tango, that kinda stuff. Its dancing, and it involves alot of lifts, snatches, throws, all kinds of fun stuff
Well, i guess that sorta sums me up, any questions, ask!