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Started by Ender, May 21, 2007, 08:44:26 PM

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Quote from: Ender on May 21, 2007, 11:31:41 PM
I don't think I can buy tickets anymore. And if I could, they cost $60. FTW. And then I need to get a tux. FTW. I don't see what's so big about prom. Seems like some hoax for fundraising.

If I want to take advantage of my last opportunity to have any dating experience in high school -- it's sad, I know --    then I'd rather just sit on a rocking chair hugging a girl on my lap and watching a good movie with popcorn and birds in the background for a good 3 hrs -.-
$60? dang our bids were like $7


Quote from: Ender on May 22, 2007, 02:21:32 AM
Quote from: CrAz3D on May 22, 2007, 12:00:10 AM
I skipped my senior yr cause my junior yr was lame (although, my knee was broken junior year so I just sorta sat/hobbled around).
I couldnt see the point in spending $200+ for tux, tickets, dinner with a girl that is a friend.

:o :o
i dont remember that ... whats it and then why'd you put it?


Quote from: BigAznDaddy on May 22, 2007, 09:06:18 AM
Quote from: Ender on May 21, 2007, 11:31:41 PM
I don't think I can buy tickets anymore. And if I could, they cost $60. FTW. And then I need to get a tux. FTW. I don't see what's so big about prom. Seems like some hoax for fundraising.

If I want to take advantage of my last opportunity to have any dating experience in high school -- it's sad, I know --    then I'd rather just sit on a rocking chair hugging a girl on my lap and watching a good movie with popcorn and birds in the background for a good 3 hrs -.-
$60? dang our bids were like $7

it's $60 for a single ticket for us and $100 for a double, plus the $30 senior dues + freshman/sophmore/junior dues.



you have class DUES!?  isnt it a public friggin school?  lame

Our tickets were $15 single/$20 double


My school cost about $30/year, which is almost nothing.

If I recall correctly, our prom was free, but a ton of fundraising was done.


Quote from: CrAz3D on May 22, 2007, 01:34:15 PM

you have class DUES!?  isnt it a public friggin school?  lame

Our tickets were $15 single/$20 double

yeah but dues aren't REQUIRED, you just can't participate in prom or the senior picnic without paying them.


Why would you pay dues if you're a freshman and cannot attend the junior/senior prom?
Also, tickets don't cover it?  Why not fund raise?  We had car washes, sales, "pie a teacher", etc throughout the year


I'm not really sure what freshman and sophmore dues are for. And we do fund raise (well I don't, but the class does) and fundraising and ticket sales cover the venue and food and goody bags and a dj and all of that stuff I guess.


I didn't go to mine this year, and won't get next year either unless my girlfriend then REALLY wants me to go. I don't enjoy dancing at all. I don't mind the slow dances, it's just the rest of the shit is kinda lame... Waving your hands around in weird formations while moving your body back and forth isn't dancing, it's just fucking ridiculous.
Hitmen: art is gay


Clothes sex = today's dancing